February 26, 2021

Based on the update from Department of Health and Community Services today, all areas outside the Avalon Region are moving to Level 4.   The Avalon Region will remain in Level 5 for the next 2 weeks with an update at that time.   

This means that all RMT’s outside the Avalon Region are able to return to work as of Saturday, February 27th,2021 at 12:01am.    The CMTNL is requiring that all RMT’s outside the Avalon Region who are returning to work to do so following Phase 1 Guidelines for PPE.  Please follow link CMTNL-Back-to-Work-Phases-Updates-9305.pdf  or the attached document for Guidelines.  This will be reassessed after the 2 week period. 

Any RMT’s within the Avalon Region are still in Level 5 and only able to treat urgent or emergency clients.  Urgent and emergent care can be offered for those clients who meet the following:

·       Urgent – provision of services to clients that would experience a significant exacerbation of symptoms or experience significant deterioration of their condition in the absence of care

·       Emergency – services necessary to prevent death or serious impairment of the health of the client. 

Any Therapist who continues to treat must do so according to phase 1 guidelines and register with the CMTNL by emailing

The areas outside the Avalon region include:

  • Labrador-Grenfell Health;
  • Central Health;
  • Western Health; and,
  • Zone 4 of Eastern Health, which encompasses the Burin and Bonavista Peninsulas, as well as the Clarenville area, including the Isthmus.

As always, the CMTNL will continue to communicate with the registrants in a timely manner should any changes occur with respect to this recommendation.  Please know that if you require any further guidance or information, you can contact us at any time, and we will do our best to provide the necessary guidance.