The CMTNL administers the complaints and discipline process as set out in the Massage Therapy Act, 2005.
The registrar handles all inquiries and concerns and conducts the initial investigation of complaints. All complaints must be in writing and directed to the registrar of the CMTNL. The Complaint Form may be used to file a complaint. All complaints are treated in strict confidence.
Where it appears that a complaint or allegation can be satisfactorily resolved, and the complainant and massage therapist in question agree, the registrar may attempt to resolve the matter. Where a matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the registrar refers it to the complaints authorization committee.
The complaints authorization committee has the power to investigate the complaint. Where it deems there are reasonable grounds to believe the massage therapist has engaged in conduct deserving of sanction, the committee may handle the complaint itself, or may refer it to an adjudication tribunal.
The CMTNL must maintain a disciplinary panel composed of 10 massage therapists who are members of the College, and three public members to represent the public interest appointed by the Minister of Health and Community Services. Whenever the complaints authorization committee refers a complaint to the disciplinary panel, the chairperson of the disciplinary panel will appoint an adjudication tribunal.
An adjudication tribunal consists of three individuals selected from among the members of the disciplinary panel by the panel chair. Two members of the adjudication tribunal must be massage therapists and the third must be a public member. The adjudication tribunal must decide whether the massage therapist is guilty of conduct deserving sanction, and whether any penalties should be imposed.
If a member of the public has a concern about the care he or she has received from a massage therapist, please contact the Registrar. Strict confidence is maintained in answering all concerns.