Members seeking approval of workshops/courses PRIOR to attendance the CMTNL must approve each workshop or course offered in relation to the Category A and B modalities. The list of approved workshops/courses is provided here  Continuing Education Approved Courses

All courses/workshops that have been approved and published by our sister colleges: CMTBC, CMTNB, CMTPEI, and CMTO will be recognized by the CMTNL. The credit hours may vary; therefore, it is advised to verify this with the CMTNL before registration in such a workshop/course.  

If a member is interested in taking a workshop/course that is not on the CMTNL approved list or is not approved by CMTBC, CMTNB, CMTPEI, or CMTO, the following information must be submitted to the CMTNL for approval:  

• Résumé or credentials of instructor(s).  

• A course outline, detailing course content and learning objectives including relevance to Category A and Category B criteria, listed in section 4 of the Continuing Education Policy & Guidelines 2024-27 of these guidelines.  

• The specific number of hours of direct instruction (e.g., 9:00-5:00 minus one hour for lunch is a seven-hour workshop eligible for 3.5 CEUs).  

• Any other relevant information. Requests must be submitted to the CMTNL at least four weeks prior to course attendance to allow for review. Later submissions will be accepted, however, without guarantee to review prior to course. In this current credit cycle, requests for approval of workshops/courses must be received by the CMTNL by September 30th, 2026, to allow for review, approval and participation in the workshop/course prior to the end of the credit cycle. 

Training providers may seek approval of specific workshops/courses (both Category A and B modalities) by providing the following information to CMTNL:  

• Résumé or credentials of instructor(s).  

• A course outline, detailing course content and learning objectives including relevance to the Category A modalities. 

• The specific number of hours of direct instruction (e.g., 9:00-5:00 minus one hour for lunch is a seven-hour workshop eligible for 3.5 CEUs).  

• Any other relevant information. A request for workshop/course approval shall be written and submitted at least two months before offering the activity, and no later than September 30th, 2023, in this current credit cycle.  

Instructors of approved courses can also help with the CEU reporting process by downloading the correct CEU Form from the CMTNL website and complete this form for each member registered in their workshop/course. This will help with ensuring the correct information is included in the member’s portfolio and submitted to the CMTNL at the end of the cycle. 

You can contact the Continuing Education Chair at