Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body to promote health, to rehabilitate, to relax, to prevent dysfunction, or to relieve pain. This direct, hands-on treatment has a therapeutic effect on the neuromuscular, circulatory and hormonal systems of the body.
Applying their knowledge of anatomy and physiology, massage therapists use a variety of modern and well-established massage techniques, as well as remedial exercise, hydrotherapy (use of heat or cold) and other therapies to treat their clients.
A massage therapist will develop a personal treatment plan based on the client’s individual case history and physical assessment. Before beginning treatment, the massage therapist will explain the treatment plan in order to obtain the client’s consent to begin treatment. Massage will be within the client’s comfort level and clients can request changes or withdraw consent at any time.
Massage therapists maintain respect for privacy. All information is kept strictly confidential unless required to be released by law or for medical reasons, with your consent.
A member of the public who has a concern about the care he or she has received from a massage therapist should contact the Registrar of the College. Strict confidence is maintained in answering all concerns.
Contact the Registrar through 709 739-7181 or toll-free at 888 739-7181.