The College of Massage Therapists of Newfoundland and Labrador maintains a list of massage therapists registered in the province. Please see below.

ATTENTION: While we strive to update this list as often as possible, some Active Registrants may not appear. For a comprehensive list or to inquire about the status of a particular Registered Massage Therapist, please contact the Registrar at

Click on the last name to view complete registration details including a contact telephone number.

Sort by:
StatusLast NameFirst NameName of ClinicWork AddressCityWork PhoneWork Email
1 Crowley Allison Massage Addict 673 Topsail Road St. John's 709-368-2888
Active Cull Sarah Physical Rehab 93 West Street Corner Brook 709-634-3788
Active Cull Catherine NL Balance and Dizziness Center 60 Elizabeth Avenue St. John's 709-700-1474
Active Cumby Lesley Proactive Wellness & Prevention 363 Conception Bay Hwy Holyrood 709-229-4843
Active Cumby-Fraser Jennifer Kelligrews Massage Clinic PO Box 17132, Stn Kelligrews CBS 709-834-1980
Active Curnew Tiffany Body Quest 15 McNamar Drive Paradise 709-782-1118
Active Cuthill Terri
Active Dalley Angie Gander Massage Therapy Clinic 60 Memorial Drive East Gander 709-651-3191
Active Dalley Kailey Middle of the Rock Therapeutic Massage Clinic 28 Toulingquet Road Twillingate 709-424-9230
Active Dalton Lacey Lacey Dalton RMT 1147 Topsail Road Mount pearl 709-330-4474
Active Daly Stephanie L. Stephanie Daly RMT 40 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 109 Mount Pearl 709-743-4474
Active Davis Heather Core Insight Chropractic 40 Aberdeen Ave, Suite 103 St. John's 709-738-0366
Active Dawson Emilee Westside Physiotherapy 2424 Apollo Road West Kellowna, BC 250-768-5907
Active Day Lisa Lisa Day RMT PO Box 65 Dildo 709-597-2696
Active Deane Callie Newleaf Total Wellness Centre 2309 McCallum Road Abbottsville, BC
Active Dearing Allison Massage Addict 17 Elizabeth Avenue St. JOhn's 7097533733
Active Deering Krista Samshara Spa 386 Stavanger Dr. ST. John's 709-576-2606
Active Delaney Kerri Meridian 38 Brook Street Corner Brook 709-388-0098
Active Delaney Holly Holly Delaney RMT 7 Lakewynds Drive Paradise 709-693-8998
Active Delorme Erin
Active Dewling Amanda Chiropractic Wellness Clinic 30 Hardy Avenue Grand Falls Windsor 709-489-8148
Active Dhaliwal Tajvir
Active Dikmen Elif Massage Addict 17 Elizabeth Avenue St. John's 7097533733
Active Doerkson Jeremy Urban Sanctum Massage Therapy 927 Windsong Dr. SW Airdrie 403-698-9384
Active Dolinsky Carmen Spectrum Treatment Centre 2032 Columbia Avenue Castlegar 250-304-2211
Active Doyle Kerri Massage Addict West 673 Topsail Road St. John's 709-368-2888
Active Dray Katherine Woodland Holistics 25 Julieann Place St. John's 709-753-4050
Active Driscoll Cody TSL Physio 55 White Rose Drive St. John's 709-753-3374
Active Drover Brittany Phoenix Healing Massage Therapy Mobile St. John's
Active Druken Emma Emma Druken RMT 910 Topsail Road St. John's 709-727-1125
Active Dubeau Danyelle Priority Wellness Site 8 Box 21 Clarke's Beach 709-786-6250
Active Duffell Alison Meridian Holistic Health Center 347 O'Connell Drive Suite 118 Corner Brook 709-640-5787
1 Duffett Pamela
Active Dunn Coleen The O'Leary Therapeutic Clinic 74 O'Leary Avenue, Suite 001 St. John's 709-722-7388
Active Dunne Stacey Wedgewood Physiotherapy 286 Torbay Road Torbay Road 709-722-0582
Active Duval Charles Body Quest 42 O'Leary Avenue St. John's 7097222618
Active Dyck Monika
Active Earle Jennifer Active Health Chiropractic Clinic 878 B Topsail Road Mt. Pearl 7097260595
Active Earle Peggy Gulf Massage & Physio 1 Oregon Drive Stephenville 709-643-5347
Active Eddy (Smith) Robyn Back In Sync 317 Memorial Drive Clarenville 709-466-1192