The College of Massage Therapists of Newfoundland and Labrador maintains a list of massage therapists registered in the province. Please see below.
ATTENTION: While we strive to update this list as often as possible, some Active Registrants may not appear. For a comprehensive list or to inquire about the status of a particular Registered Massage Therapist, please contact the Registrar at
Click on the last name to view complete registration details including a contact telephone number.
Status | Last Name | First Name | Name of Clinic | Work Address | City | Work Phone | Work Email |
1 | Crowley | Allison | Massage Addict | 673 Topsail Road | St. John's | 709-368-2888 | |
Active | Cull | Sarah | Physical Rehab | 93 West Street | Corner Brook | 709-634-3788 | |
Active | Cull | Catherine | NL Balance and Dizziness Center | 60 Elizabeth Avenue | St. John's | 709-700-1474 | |
Active | Cumby | Lesley | Proactive Wellness & Prevention | 363 Conception Bay Hwy | Holyrood | 709-229-4843 | |
Active | Cumby-Fraser | Jennifer | Kelligrews Massage Clinic | PO Box 17132, Stn Kelligrews | CBS | 709-834-1980 | |
Active | Curnew | Tiffany | Body Quest | 15 McNamar Drive | Paradise | 709-782-1118 | |
Active | Cuthill | Terri | |||||
Active | Dalley | Angie | Gander Massage Therapy Clinic | 60 Memorial Drive East | Gander | 709-651-3191 | |
Active | Dalley | Kailey | Middle of the Rock Therapeutic Massage Clinic | 28 Toulingquet Road | Twillingate | 709-424-9230 | |
Active | Dalton | Lacey | Lacey Dalton RMT | 1147 Topsail Road | Mount pearl | 709-330-4474 | |
Active | Daly | Stephanie L. | Stephanie Daly RMT | 40 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 109 | Mount Pearl | 709-743-4474 | |
Active | Davis | Heather | Core Insight Chropractic | 40 Aberdeen Ave, Suite 103 | St. John's | 709-738-0366 | |
Active | Dawson | Emilee | Westside Physiotherapy | 2424 Apollo Road | West Kellowna, BC | 250-768-5907 | |
Active | Day | Lisa | Lisa Day RMT | PO Box 65 | Dildo | 709-597-2696 | |
Active | Deane | Callie | Newleaf Total Wellness Centre | 2309 McCallum Road | Abbottsville, BC | ||
Active | Dearing | Allison | Massage Addict | 17 Elizabeth Avenue | St. JOhn's | 7097533733 | |
Active | Deering | Krista | Samshara Spa | 386 Stavanger Dr. | ST. John's | 709-576-2606 | |
Active | Delaney | Kerri | Meridian | 38 Brook Street | Corner Brook | 709-388-0098 | |
Active | Delaney | Holly | Holly Delaney RMT | 7 Lakewynds Drive | Paradise | 709-693-8998 | |
Active | Delorme | Erin | |||||
Active | Dewling | Amanda | Chiropractic Wellness Clinic | 30 Hardy Avenue | Grand Falls Windsor | 709-489-8148 | |
Active | Dhaliwal | Tajvir | |||||
Active | Dikmen | Elif | Massage Addict | 17 Elizabeth Avenue | St. John's | 7097533733 | |
Active | Doerkson | Jeremy | Urban Sanctum Massage Therapy | 927 Windsong Dr. SW | Airdrie | 403-698-9384 | |
Active | Dolinsky | Carmen | Spectrum Treatment Centre | 2032 Columbia Avenue | Castlegar | 250-304-2211 | |
Active | Doyle | Kerri | Massage Addict West | 673 Topsail Road | St. John's | 709-368-2888 | |
Active | Dray | Katherine | Woodland Holistics | 25 Julieann Place | St. John's | 709-753-4050 | |
Active | Driscoll | Cody | TSL Physio | 55 White Rose Drive | St. John's | 709-753-3374 | |
Active | Drover | Brittany | Phoenix Healing Massage Therapy | Mobile | St. John's | | |
Active | Druken | Emma | Emma Druken RMT | 910 Topsail Road | St. John's | 709-727-1125 | |
Active | Dubeau | Danyelle | Priority Wellness | Site 8 Box 21 | Clarke's Beach | 709-786-6250 | |
Active | Duffell | Alison | Meridian Holistic Health Center | 347 O'Connell Drive Suite 118 | Corner Brook | 709-640-5787 | |
1 | Duffett | Pamela | |||||
Active | Dunn | Coleen | The O'Leary Therapeutic Clinic | 74 O'Leary Avenue, Suite 001 | St. John's | 709-722-7388 | |
Active | Dunne | Stacey | Wedgewood Physiotherapy | 286 Torbay Road | Torbay Road | 709-722-0582 | |
Active | Duval | Charles | Body Quest | 42 O'Leary Avenue | St. John's | 7097222618 | |
Active | Dyck | Monika | |||||
Active | Earle | Jennifer | Active Health Chiropractic Clinic | 878 B Topsail Road | Mt. Pearl | 7097260595 | |
Active | Earle | Peggy | Gulf Massage & Physio | 1 Oregon Drive | Stephenville | 709-643-5347 | |
Active | Eddy (Smith) | Robyn | Back In Sync | 317 Memorial Drive | Clarenville | 709-466-1192 | |