Note that your exam registration is not complete until payment is received. You can complete payment online below.
CMTNL Exam Fee Schedule:
Please see the Exam Dates & Deadlines for all information related to exam dates and fees. related information. You should only submit payment for the exams that you have been approved and scheduled for, as notified by the CMTNL.
Payment by EMT/E-Transfer:
For payment of fees via E-Transfer, please send full amount to – for answer/password please use: cmtnl2025
Payment by Money Order or Certified Cheque
Money orders and certified cheques are accepted – please send to:
PO Box 50002
Paradise RPO
Topsail NL, A1L 0J2
There is a $35 processing fee for NSF cheques or payments that are unable to be processed.
Online Payment:
To complete payment online via credit card or PayPal account, please choose your applicable membership below and complete the transaction.
You do not have to create a PayPal account to pay by credit or debit online. If you do not have a PayPal account, choose the 2nd option in the pop-up window – “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”. The form may automatically choose the option to create an account for you, but you can simply click the slider button in the form to not do so.