The AGM will be on Saturday, September 9th, 2017 at 1:00 pm in Grand Falls Windsor at Youth 2000 Centre, 34 Bond Street. See you there
Continue ReadingAuthor: Yolanda Critch
2016 Inter-jurisdictional Practice Competencies and Performance Indicators for Massage Therapists Entry to Practice
In 2014, a team was formed from the regulated jurisdictions to update, review and revise the 2012 PCs/PIs. The team completed their work and presented recommendations to FOMTRAC in June 2016. The four FOMTRAC member Colleges independently reviewed and adopted the revised PCs/PIs and updates to the document were completed by the…
Continue ReadingRegistration Renewal
Just a reminder that Registration Renewals are due on March 31st, 2017. As long as they are post marked by March 31st we will accept them without late charge. We also accept them by fax and email.
Continue ReadingOffice Hours March 2017
Hi Everyone It’s Registration Renewal time so I have added office hours for this month. Check the calendar to see the times and dates. I have also added hours on Tuesday evening from 5:15 pm – 8:15 pm on the 14th, 21st, and the 28th of March.
Continue ReadingHappy New Year
Happy New Year! We are into 2017 and its going to be a great year! We have registration renewals coming up on March 31st, 2017 so keep and eye out for you renewal forms and reminders. PHIA is also being revisited so send in any ideas, changes or suggestions you…
Continue ReadingCMTNL Public Health Awareness Work shop and AGM 2016
Save the Date CMTNL Public Health Awareness Work shop and AGM Date: Oct 29th and Oct 30th Location: Hotel Mount Pearl Events: October 29th Public Health Awareness workshops including the following topics: Dermatology Mental health Clients w/ disabilities Lymphedema Referring to other professions Public health risk/management Professional boundaries (presenters names…
Continue ReadingMCQ EXAM
The next MCQ Exam will be on Saturday, July 30th, 2016. If you wish to register for this exam, please contact the registrar at
Continue ReadingAGM 2014
Hi Everyone Just a reminder that our AGM is on November 1st, 2014 at the Ramada Inn on Kenmount Rd. See you all there!
Continue ReadingStudent Open House
Hi Everyone The CMTNL and NLMTA wanted to say thank you to all the students, both present and past, that attended the open house held last night. We appreciate you taking time to come out and talk to us about your concerns and to learn what the CMTNL and NLTMA…
Continue ReadingRenewals
CMTNL Renewal Form 2014-15 Remember – Renewals are due by March 31st, 2014. A valid first aid certificate is required to renew your license!
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