CMTNL Public Health Awareness Work shop and AGM 2016

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CMTNL Public Health Awareness Work shop and AGM
Date:  Oct 29th and Oct 30th
Location: Hotel Mount Pearl
October 29th
Public Health Awareness workshops including the following topics:
  • Dermatology
  • Mental health
  • Clients w/ disabilities
  • Lymphedema
  • Referring to other professions
  • Public health risk/management
  • Professional boundaries


(presenters names and any addition information to be released in early October)
LUNCH:  Provided by the CMTNL at the location and the AGM will be held during this time
 October 30th
Location: Hotel Mount Pearl
Benefiting the Massage Therapist Workshops including the following topics:
  • RMT Self care
  • Medial/legal report writing
  • Special testing and Assessment skills
  • Remedial exercise
  • Accounting
  • Business and marking
  • Nutrition
(presenters names and any addition information to be released in early October)
LUNCH:  Provided by the CMTNL at the location
COST: $20 to attend both days, no cost to attend AGM lunch only on day one
Please note that you will receive a monkey survey invite to use as an RSVP form for this event. This will help as plan for catering for the breaks and lunches. Of course if we do not have the attendance to make this event cost efficient we will have to cancel day 2, so it is very import that you RSVP if you are interested. 
With some of our sponsors we hope to provide some prizes and give aways though out the day. We are hoping to make this event a annual event and a weekend of learning!
Anyone who is interested in volunteering in any aspect please contact Jocelyn at

ThanksYolanda Critch, B.Comm